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Young Talent Award 2023:
The sharp edges of technique & art
As always, also this year the exhibition consists up to 80% of projects of young talents. Scoops. Discover them before they show up in the collections of major museums around the world. With their objects and images they challenge you with a sharp edge, but remain innovative and playful. They pay attention to, or rather, play with your privacy, or make you wonder how our online life transforms us.
The best projects also have a chance to win the Young Talent Award.
The new generation of artists questions the impact of technology on our existence.
It is more than time to carefully think about the influence of technological and economic developments on our lives.
Judging will take place Wednesday, October 25. The winner will be announced Wednesday 25, at 16:00 by the jury:
Jonathan Maas | (Culture) Journalist (BNNVARA, Trouw) |
Katja Lucas | Senior Manager Dutch Design Foundation (DDW) |
Marina Toeters | Fashion Tech Farm, Teacher TU/e (Technical University Eindhoven) and HKU Utrecht Art Academy |
Ronald Ramakers | Director GLOW (light art festival) |
Mark Hoevenaars Saskia Lammers | Tech Marketing Specialist Wethouder Cultuur City of Eindhoven |
De Young Talent Award
Design Academy Eindhoven
ArtEZ Arnhem
Guido van der Kooij – Interscope
Minerva Groningen
Monika Romanowska – Cocoon
Marija Venckutė – You are the U in U-niverse
AKV st. Joost Den Bosch
AKV st. Joost Breda
Ruben Maas – Rediscover your rhythm
Clim Stoopen – Dickpic Photobooth
Fontys Tilburg
Sebastiaan Schoonen – Design For A Heavy Future
HKU Utrecht
Nonna Hoogland – We Never Change
Merel Dijkman – What A Beautiful Day to Cancel Somebody
Loïs Pagie – De Frontlinie
Andre Konings – Liminal
Roxy van Kemenade – Phygital worlds
Noa Zonderland – Verwonderwezens
Derk Roelofsen – Corp Protocol
TU/e Universiteit Eindhoven
Jules Sinsel – Entanglement in Machine Learning
WDKA Rotterdam
KABK Den Haag
Silke Riis – Shadow dwellers
Flóra Lazin – The Future of Lungs
Jaime Arturo Verheij – EGODEATH
Tevin Blancheville – Kanonnenvoer 22 / Fodder 22
Rietveld Amsterdam
Félicie Vitrai – Infinitea O’clock
Layla Gijsen – Alternative Openings
Shai Datauker – The Invisibility of Things
Lana Bolkvadze – Sounding Ocean
Jury Statement 2023:
The winner of the Manifestations Young Talent Award 2023 is Nonna Hoogland with “We Never Change.” A series of five vases in which she connects Greek mythology to contemporary narratives – online and offline – and the discussion surrounding them. Good and evil are two opposing poles in the Western Christian world, while the Greek gods are more ambiguous. Poseidon violated Medusa, but didn’t Medusa invite this herself? Victim blaming avant la lettre – on Nonna’s vase. Nonna consistently uses timeless techniques in her stories, which, according to the jury, make her work significant because she bridges the present and the past. Therefore, the jury decided to honor Nonna with the Young Talent Award, awarding 500 euro. Graduate: HKU Utrecht.
The second prize goes to Yujia Lin with “D@ N@T STAND@ MY GRAVE AND WEEP.” Her work explores the reincarnation of your digital identity through animation, film, and installation. Yujia has successfully translated her personal reflection into a societal context, communicating the significance of one’s digital self. Is it a big deal when your digital self is erased? Yes, because for her generation, your digital self is an integral part of your identity. Graduate: St. Joost Master Institute of Visual Cultures, Situated Design.
The third prize is awarded to Flóra Lazin for “The Future of Lungs.” This work presents humans as a solution to the damage they inflict on nature by hybridizing humans and plants through speculative design. While human-robot hybrids have been explored before, Flora has proposed a more intriguing future. The jury was impressed by her high level of aesthetics, both in the physical and digital presentation. It’s a work of wonderment rather than a solution. Graduate: KABK Den Haag.
Design en technologie komen samen
Albert Zeeman, Marketing services Director GBO innovation makers “Innovatie en technologie komen met de menselijk dimensie samen. Vernieuwing is de kern van ons werk en is daarom ook een belangrijk criterium.”
Mark Hoevenaars, vrml Strategy & Marketing director Sioux: “Technologie heeft een grote impact op ons leven. Daarom willen wij als technologiebedrijf de discussie aangaan over de ethische aspecten die hier omheen hangen. Manifestations is een visionaire tentoonstelling met werk dat de complexiteit van technologie omarmt.”
Over Manifestations: Dé internationale Tech Art Fun experience tijdens DDW2023
De Art, Tech & Fun! expositie Manifestations is tijdens de DDW een van de gezichtsbepalende locaties tijdens Dutch Design Week. Meer dan 50 jonge getalenteerde kunstenaars die op het grensvlak van Tech en Art opereren, exposeren tijdens de Dutch Design Week 2023 in het Veemgebouw. Toegang is gratis voor het publiek!
Prijsuitreiking: woensdag 25 oktober om 16:00 u.
Locatie: Veem, floor 8, Torenallee 100, Eindhoven